Monday, August 11, 2008

Beat Your Kids

So I am just on a roll with saying things that will piss people off... oh well.

My sisters and I got beatings as children and I believe that we were better off because of it.

These children however obviously need to have their behinds lit up:

This cut up faked his own kidnapping because his parents would not get him a Wii system. My arm would be sore from wearing his behind out.

This kid...tried to hire a hit man!!!! Jesus would have had to come down off the throne to save me personally should I have tried this mess.

This girl VIDEOTAPED herself trying to kill her parents!!! She needs a beating, prayer, and some serious help.

For the good of all humanity people need to BEAT THEIR KIDS!


metgirl4ever said...

Amen !!

Auntie Mone said...

Grandma's around the world should set up "whuppin schools" to teach the fine art opening up a can of whup ass on children so they act right